Monday 27 July 2009


The dilapidated walls of Berlin,  kindle the surreal work of Italian street artist Blu.  His art seems so perfectly in tune with the energy of the city, that I assumed his work was a tale from the very streets it illuminates. 

It was in typical Berlin fashion I learnt of his origins, in the circus tent at bar 25. Hunched on a wet sofa at a time in the morning when although full daylight is an unavoidable clue, you don't want to look at your watch for fear of witnessing the destruction you have caused the rest of your weekend.

Sat sandwiched  between an Aussie -  who we later embarassingly realised was called Alex, not Shane,  and a German dude. Shane proceeded to show me and my equally inebriated visiting friends a video on his IPhone,  of the animated work Muto by Blu. It was created on the walls of Buenos Aires and the somewhat less intriguing sounding, and not to mention less fun to pronounce, Baden,  South Germany. 

Halfway through the video, which was drawing appreciative gurgles from its British viewers, the German dude piped in that he knew Blu. He then told us he would tell his "Blu Italiano friend," we watched the video for the first time "right herr' in zee circus tent baaa tventy five!"

That was the only funny thing the German dude said. I spent the next tventy minutes trying to get away as he discharged wank stories about his own art career and how he was also a DJ and really into "mixing African drums and crazy shits over Balkan beats." 

Now, enjoy the genius of Moto.

Both these clips are fantastic keyhole insights into a fervent, relentless imagination, that appears unquenchable until exhaustion.  Below are his creations scattered across the globe.

Sao Paulo,Brazil    

Kreuzberg, Berlin

Wroclaw, Poland

Tate Modern, London

Arhus, Denmark

Wroclaw, Poland



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